Sciatic and Lumbar Pain

Sciatic and lumbar pain can occur as a result of many different conditions pertaining to the lower back. Typically, sciatic pain occurs on one side of the lower body, and often times the pain is present from the lower back, through the thigh, and down the leg. The sciatic nerve reaches from the lower back all the way to the toes, and depending on where the nerve is being pinched, a person’s pain can be felt from the toes to the lower back. Still, pain affects everybody differently, so sciatic and lumbago pain can be excruciating, or it can be light and sporadic, yet the pain and conditions always have the potential of getting worse over time if not treated properly. Acute pain from sciatic and lumbago pain may happen initially, but chronic conditions will eventually arise from lack of attention or improper treatment. At Well Being Neuropathy Relief Center in Roseville , we fully understand how the nerves in the lower back work, and we know how to treat you, so you can feel better now and in the long-run.
If you are suffering from sciatic or lumbar pain, your first priority should be to schedule an evaluation with a Bay Area chiropractor who understands and specializes in nerve damage. The number to call is (916) 945-9800. At Well Being Neuropathy Relief Center in Roseville , we treat many conditions for lower and upper back pain, and there is no reason for your pain to continue after being treated regularly. Our non-invasive approach to pain relief and injury recovery has proved to have very successful results.
More Information About Peripheral Neuropathy
Neuropathy symptoms can range from numbness and tingling to stabbing feelings (paresthesia) and muscle weakness. More severe symptoms consist of burning sensations and even organ dysfunction. Almost all peripheral neuropathy symptoms can be treated with many of our devices.
To learn more about how we can treat your Sciatic and Lumbar Pain, visit Well Being Neuropathy Relief Center in Roseville or call (916) 945-9800 to speak with one of our Peripheral Neuropathy professionals today.